Published crates

Several crates of this project are published on the registry the main crate, honeycomb (not yet published), as well as specialized crates honeycomb-core, honeycomb-kernels, and honeycomb-render.


honeycomb is the main crate provided to users and serve as the entrypoint for combinatorial map usage. It is exclusively made up of re-exports from the core, kernels and render crate to provide a clean, all-in-one dependency.


At the moment, the honeycomb name is not available on; this means that using this crate requires adding the dependency using the git repository:

# [dependencies]
honeycomb = { git = "" }


honeycomb-core is a Rust crate that provides basic structures and operations for combinatorial map manipulation. This includes map structures, methods implementation, type aliases and geometric modeling for mesh representation.

Implemented features

  • a builder structure to handle map creation: CMapBuilder.
  • 2D combinatorial maps, usable in concurrent contexts: CMap2. this includes:
    • all regular operations (sew, unsew, beta images, ...),
    • a custom embedding logic to associate vertices and attributes to darts.
  • 2D orbit computation: Orbit2.
  • abstractions over attributes, to allow arbitrary items binding to the map using the same embedding logic as vertices:
    • AttributeBind & AttributeUpdate traits,
    • AttrSparseVec as a predefined collection for attributes,
    • additional traits to describe custom collection structures.
  • geometry primitives:
    • Vector2 / Vertex2,
    • Vector3 / Vertex3.


honeycomb-kernels is a Rust crate that provides implementations of meshing kernels using the core crate's combinatorial maps. These implementations have multiple purposes:

  1. Writing code using n-maps from a user's perspective
  2. Covering a wide range of operations, with routines that are more topology-heavy / geometry-heavy / balanced
  3. Stressing the data structure, to identify its advantages and its pitfalls in a meshing context
  4. Testing for more unwanted behaviors / bugs

Explanations provided in this guide focus on the overall workflow of algorithms; Implementation-specific details and hypothesis are listed in the documentation of the crate.

Implemented algorithms


honeycomb-render is a Rust crate that provides a simple visualization framework to allow the user to render their combinatorial map. It is designed to be used directly in the code by reading data through a reference to the map (as opposed to a binary that would read serialized data). This render tool can be used to debug algorithm results in a significantly easier way than reading internal data would.


Use the App structure to render a given combinatorial map. You may need to run the program in release mode to render large maps. All items used to build that tool are kept public to allow users to customize the render logic (e.g. to render a specific attribute).