Beta Functions

Each combinatorial map of dimension N defines N beta functions linking the set of darts together (e.g. a 2-map contains β1 and β2). These functions model the topology of the map, giving information about connections of the different cells of the map / mesh. In our case, we mostly use:

  • β1, a (partial) permutation,
  • β2, β3, two (partial) involutions

Additionally, we define β0 as the inverse of β1, i.e. β01(d)) = d. This comes from a practical consideration for performances and efficiency of the implementation.

The βi functions can be interpreted as navigation functions along the i-th dimensions: β1 makes you navigate along the edges, β2 along the faces, etc. This can be generalized to N dimensions, but we are only interested in 2D and 3D at the moment.


For a given dart d, we define two properties:

  • d is i-free if βi(d) = ∅, being the null dart
  • d is free if it is i-free for all i

Construction Example

Start from unorganized darts
Organize those using β1
Add β2 images; For details on vertices, refer to the Embedding section
Build up a larger map