Polygon triangulation

We implement two functions for polygon triangulation. These are not meshing functions; our goal with these is to cut existing cells of an irregular mesh into triangular cells.

With consideration to the above, we implement two polygon triangulation methods: fanning, and ear-clipping. Both implementations are designed to operate in parallel; they take pre-allocated darts as argument and do not create any contention over data as long as two calls are not made on the same face (2-cell).


Two versions of this algorithm are implemented:

The first implementation is a defensive one where the function actively search for a valid vertex to fan from.

The second implementation assume the cell is convex; it fans the polygon from its first vertex. Convexity is not checked, so use this only if you know all your cells fit the requirements!


This method isn't algorithmically efficient, but we operate on small cells, and it covers our needs: it is a potential fallback for non-fannable polygons without holes.