part-info(1) General Commands Manual part-info(1)

part-info - Print information about the quality a partition

part-info [options...]

part-info prints the following information:

•the imbalance for each criterion,
•the edge cut,
•the lambda-1 cut.

Only some specific mesh formats are supported. See apply-part(1)'s INPUT FORMAT for details.

-h, --help

Show a help message and exit.


Show version information and exit.

-E, --edge-weights <variant>

Change how edge weights are set. Possible values are listed in mesh-part(1).

-m, --mesh <path>

Required. A path to the mesh that has been partitionned.

-n, --parts <path>

The expected number of parts. By default, part-info will take the actual number of parts (which can be lower).

-p, --partition <path>

Required. A path to the partition file.

-w, --weights <path>

Required. A path to the weight file used to partition the mesh.

mesh-part(1) apply-part(1) weight-gen(1)

This executable is part of coupe, which is maintained by Hubert Hirtz <> under the direction of Franck Ledoux <> and the supervision of Cédric Chevalier <> and Sébastien Morais <>.

For more information on coupe development, see <>.
