apply-part(1) General Commands Manual apply-part(1)

apply-part - Colorize a mesh with a partition file for visualization

apply-weight - Colorize a mesh with a weight file for visualization

apply-part --mesh <path> --partition <path> [output.mesh]

apply-weight --mesh <path> --weights <path> [output.mesh]

apply-part (apply-weight) merges a partition file (resp. weight file) into the free-form fields of a MEDIT mesh file, so that the partition (resp. weight distribution) can be visualized with medit tools.

If output.mesh is omitted or is -, it is written to standard output.

Only some specific mesh formats are supported. See INPUT FORMAT for details.

-h, --help

Show a help message and exit.


Show version information and exit.

-f, --format <format>

Override the output format. By default, the file format is inferred from the file extension. See OUTPUT FORMAT for more info.

-m, --mesh <path>

Use the given mesh file as template.

-p, --partition <path>

Use the given partition file. This file is expected to come from mesh-part(1) with the same mesh.

-w, --weights <path>

Use the given weight file. This file is expected to come from weight-gen(1) with the same mesh.

These programs can accept multiple mesh formats, and will detect automatically the correct version to use, regardless of the file extension. There is currently no way to force a particular format for input.

The supported mesh formats are:

•MEDIT, both ASCII and binary variants,
•VTK, legacy ASCII and binary variants. The binary variant assumes big endian numbers.

The -f, --format option changes the output format of the program. These values are currently accepted:

meshb (default): output MEDIT binary,
mesh: output MEDIT ASCII,
vtk-ascii: output VTK ASCII,
vtk-binary: output VTK binary (big endian).

In general, you'll want the default meshb format. It is faster to read from and write to. Use the MEDIT ASCII format for debugging or for compatibility.

mesh-part(1) part-info(1) weight-gen(1)

This executable is part of coupe, which is maintained by Hubert Hirtz <> under the direction of Franck Ledoux <> and the supervision of Cédric Chevalier <> and Sébastien Morais <>.

For more information on coupe development, see <>.
