mesh-part(1) General Commands Manual mesh-part(1)

mesh-part - Partition a mesh

part-bench - Benchmark an algorithm

mesh-part [options...] [output.part]

part-bench [options...]

mesh-part applies partitioning algorithms onto a given mesh in order, and outputs the resulting partition.

If output.part is omitted or is -, it is written to standard output.

part-bench benchmarks the speed of the given algorithms and prints the results.

Only some specific mesh formats are supported. See apply-part(1)'s INPUT FORMAT for details.

See ALGORITHMS for a list of supported algorithms.

See PARTITION FILE for a description of the output format of mesh-part.

-h, --help

Show a help message and exit.


Show version information and exit.

-a, --algorithm <spec>

Apply the given algorithm on the mesh. This option can be specified multiple times, so that algorithms can be chained together. See ALGORITHMS for information on the spec argument and a list of supported algorithms.

-E, --edge-weights <variant>

Change how edge weights are set. Possible values are:

uniform (default): all edges have the same weight,
linear: edge weights are the sum of the vertex weights,
sqrt: edge weights are the sum of the vertex weights' square roots.

-m, --mesh <path>

Required. Partition the given mesh file.

-w, --weights <path>

Use the given weight file. This file is expected to come from weight-gen(1) with the same mesh.

Options specific to mesh-part:

-t, --trace <path>

Emits a trace file viewable in <chrome://tracing> or any compatible viewer. The LOG environment variable must be specified.

Options specific to part-bench:

-e, --efficiency [threads]

Measure strong scaling by running the algorithm with different amounts of threads.

By default, part-bench starts at 1 thread, then doubles the thread count until it exceeds the number of available hardware threads.

You can specify arbitrary thread counts in the following manner:

threads = range *( , range )
range   = VALUE / ( FROM : TO ) / ( FROM : TO : STEP )

For example, the following invocation will run the algorithms for 1 thread, then 2, 6, 10, ... to 64, then 72, 80, 88, ... to 256.

part-bench -e 1,2:64:4,64:256:8,256

Ranges are exclusive.

-b, --baseline <name>
-s, --save-baseline <name>

Compare against a named baseline. If --save-baseline is specified, the results of the benchmark will be saved and overwrite the previous ones.

Users can use environment variables to alter the execution of these programs:

LOG=coupe, for mesh-part, enable debug algorithm logging of coupe's algorithms,
RAYON_NUM_THREADS=n restricts the maximum number of threads to n.

The option -a, --algorithm defines an algorithm used to partition the input mesh. It can be specified multiple times to chain algorithms.

If a partition improving algorithm is in the begining of the chain, it will be fed a default partition where all weights are in the same part.

For example,

mesh-part --algorithm hilbert,4 --algorithm fm,0.05

Miscellaneous partitioning algorithms:

Creates a random partition

Number partitioning algorithms:
These algorithms create partitions by only taking weights into account.

Greedy number partitioning algorithm


Karmarkar-Karp, Least Difference Method


Complete Karmarkar-Karp

Number partition improving algorithms:
These algorithms improve partitions by only taking weights into account.

Steepest descent Vector of Numbers algorithm


Descent Vector of Numbers algorithm

Geometric partitioning algorithms:
These algorithms create partitions using cell coordinates.

Recursive Coordinate Biscection


Hilbert Curve

Geometric partition improving algorithms:
These algorithms improve partitions using cell coordinates.

Balanced k-means.

Graph partition improving algorithms:
These algorithms improve partitions using the topology of the mesh.

Fidducia-Mattheyses algorithm. Arguments (in this order):
•MAX_IMBALANCE (default: initial imbalance)
•MAX_BAD_MOVES_IN_A_ROW (default: 0)
•MAX_PASSES (default: 0, i.e. UINTPTR_MAX)
•MAX_MOVES_PER_PASS (default: 0, i.e. UINTPTR_MAX)


Multi-threaded, FM-like algorithm. By default this will not worsen the imbalance.


Kernighan-Lin algorithm

METIS partitioning algorithms:
These algorithms require mesh-part to be built with METIS support.

METIS's recursive graph partitioning.


METIS's kway graph partitioning.

SCOTCH partitioning algorithms:
These algorithms require mesh-part to be built with SCOTCH support.

The default partitioning algorithm from SCOTCH.

A partition file is a binary file that consists of a header followed by a list of part IDs. Below is the ABNF representation of the file:

file     = magic id-count ids
magic    = %x4d %x65 %x50 %x65  ; "MePe"
id-count = U64                  ; Number of weights
ids      = *U64                 ; id-count weights

where U64 is a little-endian 8-byte unsigned integer.

apply-part(1) part-info(1) weight-gen(1)

This executable is part of coupe, which is maintained by Hubert Hirtz <> under the direction of Franck Ledoux <> and the supervision of Cédric Chevalier <> and Sébastien Morais <>.

For more information on coupe development, see <>.
