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Some development tips

Tools to use

In order to contribute to this project, we suggest to download and/or use: - Pycharm as a Python IDE. The community edition is sufficient for this project; - Python 3 and some python packages like numpy and pygame; - To draw pictures, you can use the version of Excalidraw that integrates LateX support; - The documentation is built using MkDocs. To complete the documentation, you can add content in the documentation directory, and the documentation website will be updated when a branch is merged in the main branch of tune. If you want to see the documentation in your own computer, you can use the mkdocs serve command (see here for a first example).

Github procedure

We use merge/pull request to accept contributions. In other words, if you want to contribute to the tune project, you have to develop in your own branch and ask for a merge request onto the main branch.