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Triangular mesh adaptation

In order to learn how to modify a 2D mesh, we first implement a 2D game that works on pure triangular meshes. Starting from a 2D mesh, the goal of the player is to modify the mesh by applying topological operations in order to improve the mesh quality. Here the quality is based on topological criteria only. More precisely, we consider the degree of nodes. The degree of a node is defined as its number of adjacent faces. Ideally: - The degree of an inner node is 6, - The degree of a boundary node n depends on the local geometry around n.

Version 1 - Triangles and edge flip

In the first version, we have only one operation - the edge flipping - and we provide triangular meshes for which we know what the best solution is. The aim of the intelligent agent we develop is to build this best solution in a mininum number of movements.