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Test directory structure

Every gmds component has a tst directory that contains test suites to perform. All our tests are based on Google test. The classical structure of a test directory is :


Process to test a new feature

Each time you need to test a new class and methods you want to develop, the process is the following one. 1. Create a class C by declaring it in inc/C.h and provides all the method definitions in src/C.cpp. At this stage, method definition are either empty methods or methods that throw an exception. 2. Create in tst a new class for testing C behaviour. By convention, you will note it CTestSuite.h. You will then addd test method using google test. As an example below, we test some getters ans setters of the math::Point class. Only one test method is given but the test class (here PointClass) can contain as much as test method you want. TEST and ASSERT_NEAR are macros provided by the Google Test framework.

#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <gmds/math/Point.h>
TEST(PointClass, Setter)
    gmds::math::Point p(1,2,3);
    gmds::TCoord z = p.Z();
    ASSERT_NEAR(p.X(), 1, 1e-6);
    ASSERT_NEAR(p.Y(), 2, 1e-6);
    ASSERT_NEAR(z, 3, 1e-6);
3. Once created the file must be added in the CMakeLists.txt to be used in the compilation stage. Get into this file and only modify the list of header/source files used to build the executable test.

        ... CTestSuite.h ...
If the directory tst is empty and you are the first one to create a unit test suite for a component. Just copy and paste a CMakeLists.txt file of another component test directory and change the executable name and likely the list of dependencies (in the CMake macro target_link_libraries).

  1. It remains a last step, which is to modify (or create) the main_test.cpp file, which looks like
    #include <gtest/gtest.h>
    // Files containing the different test suites to launch
    #include <ChartTestSuite.h>
    #include <Cross2DTestSuite.h>
    #include <CrossTestSuite.h>
    #include <OrientationTestSuite.h>
    int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
      ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
      return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
    You need to include the new file you just created in the list of files included at the beginning of this file;